Retun data to Hot storage

There could be instances where you may want to pull the data back to Hot storage. You can achieve that as below.

  1. In Kibana, navigate to Dev Tools from the burger menu and execute the below command to bring back the index from Warm to Hot

  2. Execute the following command to list all the indices in Hot storage

GET _cat/indices/_hot

You should see an output similar to the one mentioned below. Since the index kibana_sample_data_logs is currently in Ultrawarm, you will not see that in the output.

green open .kibana_1                      Kn4GdF6DR-2ZHM6oHfPARg 1 1    26 2  79.4kb 39.7kb
green open .opendistro_security           R4OSRMefSxaK041YV0m2nw 1 1     9 4 103.8kb 51.9kb
green open .kibana_-1053410750_rnottath_1 au6X5MdiTWqGSacfOsIlCg 1 1    33 0 118.1kb   59kb
  1. Execute the following command to migrate the index to Hot storage
POST _ultrawarm/migration/kibana_sample_data_logs/_hot

Verify whether the index is migrated to Hot storage by listing the hot indices again.

GET _cat/indices/_hot

This time, you should see an output like this.

green open kibana_sample_data_logs        ja8MAFm_TU6krYaS11Y_Ew 1 1 14074 0  17.9mb  8.9mb
green open .kibana_1                      Kn4GdF6DR-2ZHM6oHfPARg 1 1    26 2  79.4kb 39.7kb
green open .opendistro_security           R4OSRMefSxaK041YV0m2nw 1 1     9 4 103.8kb 51.9kb
green open .kibana_-1053410750_rnottath_1 au6X5MdiTWqGSacfOsIlCg 1 1    33 0 118.1kb   59kb

The above output indicates that the index kibana_sample_data_logs that was present in Ultrawarm got migrated to Hot storage.